Vegetarian Recipes

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Santa Clara, California, United States

Friday, April 13, 2012

Benefits of Holy Tulsi ( Basil)

Holy Tulsi is the important symbol in Hindu religious tradition. Hindus believe that it is auspicious to plant Tulsi in their courtyard and worship it in the morning and evening. This sweet scented woody herb is known for its both religious and medical significance. Tulsi leaves are used as natural herbal remedy to cure lot of common ailments.
Here are some medicinal uses of Tulsi:
Healing Power: Tulsi has some amazing healing power.  It promotes the removal of the catarrhal matter and phlegm from the bronchial tube. Tulsi leaves are known as nerve tonic, as when consumed it soothes our nerves. It also sharpens the memory, keeping one fresh psychologically and helps in stimulated thought process.
Some diseases are caused due to hereditary reason. The hormones play an important role and it is difficult to deal with it. This hormonal imbalance can be corrected to some extent by using Tulsi.
Fever and Common Cold: Tulsi can help in curing fever and common cold, as tulsi leaves acts as preventive against these diseases. In case of acute fever, boil few tulsi leaves with powered cardamom in water. Add sugar and milk to it. Drinking this milk will bring down the temperature.
The juice of tulsi leaves can also help in controlling the fever. Extract of tulsi leaves in fresh water can be consumed in every 2-3 hours. In between one can sip some water also. It is very effective in bringing down the temperature, especially in case of children.
Cough: Tulsi is a very important constituent of many Ayurvedic cough syrups, as it helps to mobilize mucus in bronchitis.  Simply, chewing tulsi leaves can relieve cold and subside flu.
Sore Throat: Water boiled with Tulsi leaves in it can be consumed as a drink if you have a sore throat. This water can also be used for gargles, it gives immediate relief.
Respiratory Disease:  Recent studies have shown that Tulsi is most effective in upper respiratory tract infection.
-          A decoction of the leaves with honey and ginger can be an effective natural remedy for asthma, bronchitis, cold and cough.
-          A decoction of the leaves with few cloves and common salt can also be given for immediate relief in case of influenza.
***They should be boiled in water till only half the water is left.
Kidney Stone: In case of renal stone, the juice of tulsi leaves mixed with honey (or with Aloe Vera juice) should be taken regularly for six months. It will expel the stone via urinary tract. Tulsi leaves have a significant contribution in strengthening the kidneys. 

Heart Disease: Tulsi is very useful for the people suffering from cardiac disease or high blood pressure. For making syrup: You can take 10 grams of tulsi, boil it in 160 ml of water until this volume reduces to 20 ml. Tulsi leaves also helps in reducing blood sugar and cholesterol level, very helpful for diabetic people. In order to prevent the escape of volatile oil, tulsi leaves can be used without boiling.
Stress: Tulsi or Basil leaves are also known as anti-stress agent, as tulsi leaves afford significant protection against stress. Even a healthy person can chew 10-12 leaves of tulsi leaves in a day. It also purifies blood.
Mouth Infection: Mouth infections and ulcers can be cured by chewing few leaves of tulsi leaves. These leaves are very effective.
Insect Bites: This herb is very useful and curative for insect bite or stings. Methods:  (1) Fresh juice of tulsi leaves can be applied on the affected parts. (2) A teaspoonful of fresh tulsi leaves juice should be taken and can be repeated after few hours. (3) Paste of fresh roots applied on affected parts is also effective.
Skin Disorder:  Tulsi juice is beneficial in the treating skin related disease such as ringworm, leucoderma and other skin diseases.
Teeth Disorder: This herb is great when used for dental care. It is useful for maintain dental health, for massaging gums and counteracting for bad breath. Tulsi is also very good for treating pyorrhea. Method: Tulsi leaves when dried in the sun and powdered, can be used for brushing teeth. Dried and powdered tulsi leaves can also be mixed with mustered oil and this paste can be used as toothpaste.
Headaches: Pounded tulsi leaves mixed with sandalwood paste can be applied on the forehead for getting relief from headache. It also provides coolness in general.
Gastrointestinal Disease: Tulsi is always acclaimed for its digestive properties. For a person who suffers from abdominal discomfort and loss of appetite, Tulsi and ginger juice can be taken mixed with black pepper.
Life Longevity: Anti-oxidant properties in tulsi help to prolong the life. It fights against and saves the body from external forces. One should take regular intake of tulsi to build up the immunity power in the body and control the disease incidence.

Disclaimer: These are only general guidelines and views expressed as a first aid. It is always better to see a doctor or a physician depending upon the case.

1 comment:

  1. You can use it as a healthier option to processed salt. The righthimalayan saltin the right amount is actually very good for your health. Pink Himalayan sea salt contains over 84 minerals and trace elements.
